Online Tutorial
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Online Tutorial x4
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Online tutorials are available on Zoom in the following format:

50 minute lesson + up to 10 minute bespoke video and TAB exploring areas discussed.

A shared Dropbox folder will be set up for us to share scores, video, and anything else relevant to what we cover in the sessions.

When you purchase a tutorial from the options above I’ll drop you an email via the address you provide within 24 hours, and we’ll arrange a time for the first session. We can also discuss in advance exactly what you want to get from the sessions.

Gift vouchers are also available - more about those further down.


A brief list of some of the topics I’ve covered with students during sessions:

  • all aspects of acoustic & classical technique

  • refining repertoire

  • composition & arrangement

  • performance techniques

  • recording, editing & mixing

  • developing effective practice routines

  • live sound

  • interpretation & musicality

  • and lots more! Do drop me a line via the contact form below if you have any questions

Discounted Rates

Discounted rates along with a host of other benefits can be accessed if you enrol as part of The College.

Group Sessions

You can organise to have a group session with friends. Up to 4 people can join a group session, and you can split the cost between you. Any questions just drop me a line via the contact form at the bottom of this page.

Gift Vouchers

If you would like to give a tutorial as a present for someone, you can buy gift vouchers for either a single session or block of 4 below. Upon completing purchase you’ll be able to download a voucher (in JPG format) which you can pass on to the recipient. All they need to do is contact me via my website (www.willmcnicol.co.uk/contact) and we’ll get it all arranged!


Individual sessions held in my purpose-built studio space in Dorset, UK.

In-Person Tutorial (1 hour)
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In-Person Tutorial (3-hour Morning Session)
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In-Person Tutorial (3-hour Afternoon Session)
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In-Person Tutorial (Full Day)
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One Hour Sessions // Perfect if you want to swing by for a quick dive into a topic or two.

Morning & Afternoon Sessions // We can meet on Zoom in advance to plan your session and discuss what you’d like to get from it. Great to dig into a few more topics in greater detail. Teas, coffees, biscuits and some guitar nerdery!

Full Day Session // Time for the ultimate deep-dive! Following a chat in advance on Zoom I’ll curate a balanced day of epic guitar geekery tailored specifically to you. Take a look at the list below to see just some of the options on the table. We’ll break for teas and coffees, and take a jaunt to my local for a hearty pub lunch. A lovely day all in all, I reckon!

For anything anything we discuss / create / record you want to refer to after the session, I’ll set up a shared Dropbox Folder where it can all live.

When you purchase a tutorial from the options above I’ll drop you an email via the address you provide within 24 hours, and we’ll arrange a date for the session, and book in a chat on Zoom if you’re going for the morning, afternoon or full-day sessions.

If you’d like to gift any of these options to a guitarist in your life please drop me a line after purchase and I can send you a voucher via email.


A brief list of some of the topics we can cover during our time:

  • all aspects of acoustic & classical technique

  • refining repertoire

  • composition & arrangement

  • performance techniques

  • effective practice routines

  • recording, editing & mixing

  • video work

  • developing effective practice routines

  • live sound

  • interpretation & musicality

  • comparing and contrasting different types of acoustic guitar

  • and lots more! Do drop me a line via the contact form below if you have any questions


Will McNicol is a master teacher. He has the uncanny ability to get me to relax and brings out the best in my playing. In every lesson there are at least 2 "Aha" moments where a new idea, a new fingering or a deeper understanding of the guitar is illuminated. The breadth of his knowledge of guitar is amazing but Will is also one of the most humble and kind people I have ever met. If you're considering taking lessons, stop thinking about it and contact Will. It will be one of the best decisions you've ever made. - Bruce, USA

For more years than I care to remember, I’ve been a “bedroom guitarist”, never advancing from an intermediate standard and too shy to play in front of people. On a friend’s recommendation I thought I’d give Will’s Skype lessons a try. Will is incredibly encouraging and full of advice on how to improve. In the past few months my playing has improved no end – I’ve taken on new repertoire, styles and techniques that I never would have tried. To anyone in two minds whether to take the plunge or not, go for it – you will not regret it. - Martin, UK

I so appreciate your teaching and guidance. I feel grateful to learn from you — not all great players are great teachers, too, but you excel in both realms. Thanks! - Sam, USA

Any questions about tutorials?

Just drop me a line via the form below.